Fast Clock

The primary function of the fast clock is to provide model train operators with a clock display that can keep scale time. This scale time can range from a 1 to 1 up to a 16 to 1 rate with respect to actual time.

The time display looks better through the human eyes because they filter the display refresh rate.

Fast time clock with AM/PM indication
Fast clock rate/ratio adjustable from 1 to 16
Principle or slave with Loconet® sync
Actual/real time clock with AM/PM indication
Duration clock*
Event counter*
Brightness adjustment
1” display characters
* Requires an internal connection

When the fast clock is first powered on it enters the fast clock mode which shows scale time with a rate or ratio of 4 to 1.

There are four push button on the front panel of the fast clock to control it’s operation. The Mode Up and Mode Down button are used to changed modes. Once the desired mode is displayed push the select button once to display the state of the mode. In the fast clock and actual clock modes the Set Hours and Set Minutes buttons are used to set the time. Press and hold the button until the desired hour or minute is displayed.

Mode #DisplayDescription
11 : FCFast clock
22 : DCDuration clock
33 : ECEvent counter
44 : LLLight Level
55 : SLPrinciple/slave
66 : FrFC ratio
77 : ACActual clock

The power connector is a standard 2.1 mm plug. The fast clock require a 9 VAC power supply with at least 150 ma current rating. The 60 Hz AC voltage is used for the actual clock to maintain it’s accuracy.

The fast clock has a 2.1 mm barrel connector.